Saturday, January 9, 2021

1traffic advisory (see TCAS)TA
2terminal arrival areaTAA
3thrust asymmetry compensationTAC
4tactical air navigationTACAN
5terminal aerodrome forecastTAF
6thermal anti-iceTAI
7total airport managementTAM
8terminal approach radarTAR
9true airspeedTAS
10total air temperatureTAT
11terrain awareness and warning systemTAWS
12time between overhaulsTBO
13transient bleed valveTBV
14towering cumulusTC
15turn coordinatorTC
16True CourseTC
17type certificateTC
18terminal control areaTCA
19traffic collision avoidance systemTCAS
20Transport Canada's Civil AviationTCCA
21type certificate data sheetTCDS
22threshold crossing heightTCH
23thrust computer indicatorTCI
24terminal control unitTCU
25touchdown zoneTDZ
26terminal proceduresTERPS
28temporary flight restrictionTFR
29transfer gearboxTGB
30temporary guidance leafletTGL
31touch-and-go landing(s)TGL(S)
33True HeadingTH
34runway thresholdTHR
35trimmable horizontal stabilizer, see tailplaneTHS
36turbine inlet temperatureTIT
37time-limited dispatchTLD
38technical logbook (EASA)TLB
39transponder landing systemTLS
40terminal manoeuvring area (Europe)/terminal control area (USA and Canada)TMA
41touring motor gliderTMG
42Toolbox Mobile Library (Boeing)TML
43transponder mandatory zoneTMZ
44Top of Climb (also known as T/C)TOC
45top of descentTOD
46take-off distance availableTODA
47take-off/go aroundTO/GA
48take-off powerTOP
49take-off runwayTOR
50take-off runway availableTORA
51take-off weightTOW
52take-off warning systemTOWS
53transformer rectifierTR
54thrust reversersTR
55turning point at missed approachTP
56temporary reserved area (airspace)TRA
57terminal radar approach controlTRACON
58type rating examinerTRE
59thrust rating panelTRP
60technical standard order[2]TSO
61total time air frameTTAF
62total time since newTTSN
63total time since overhaulTTSO
64Transcribed Weather Broadcasts[4]TWB
65tail wind componentTWC
66Terminal Wireless LAN UnitTWLU



1traffic advisory (see TCAS)TA
2terminal arrival areaTAA
3thrust asymmetry compensationTAC
4tactical air navigationTACAN
5terminal aerodrome forecastTAF
6thermal anti-iceTAI
7total airport managementTAM
8terminal approach radarTAR
9true airspeedTAS
10total air temperatureTAT
11terrain awareness and warning systemTAWS
12time between overhaulsTBO
13transient bleed valveTBV
14towering cumulusTC
15turn coordinatorTC
16True CourseTC
17type certificateTC
18terminal control areaTCA
19traffic collision avoidance systemTCAS
20Transport Canada's Civil AviationTCCA
21type certificate data sheetTCDS
22threshold crossing heightTCH
23thrust computer indicatorTCI
24terminal control unitTCU
25touchdown zoneTDZ
26terminal proceduresTERPS
28temporary flight restrictionTFR
29transfer gearboxTGB
30temporary guidance leafletTGL
31touch-and-go landing(s)TGL(S)
33True HeadingTH
34runway thresholdTHR
35trimmable horizontal stabilizer, see tailplaneTHS
36turbine inlet temperatureTIT
37time-limited dispatchTLD
38technical logbook (EASA)TLB
39transponder landing systemTLS
40terminal manoeuvring area (Europe)/terminal co...TMA
41touring motor gliderTMG
42Toolbox Mobile Library (Boeing)TML
43transponder mandatory zoneTMZ
44Top of Climb (also known as T/C)TOC
45top of descentTOD
46take-off distance availableTODA
47take-off/go aroundTO/GA
48take-off powerTOP
49take-off runwayTOR
50take-off runway availableTORA
51take-off weightTOW
52take-off warning systemTOWS
53transformer rectifierTR
54thrust reversersTR
55turning point at missed approachTP
56temporary reserved area (airspace)TRA
57terminal radar approach controlTRACON
58type rating examinerTRE
59thrust rating panelTRP
60technical standard order[2]TSO
61total time air frameTTAF
62total time since newTTSN
63total time since overhaulTTSO
64Transcribed Weather Broadcasts[4]TWB
65tail wind componentTWC
66Terminal Wireless LAN UnitTWLU
In [3]: